Friday, August 30, 2013


Maybe we're suburban kids with backyard swings
Who never grew up during their college scene
So this is what I know,
Why we act so brave to save face,
Because we're breaking, breaking, breaking
Further and further and further down.

We have to do something about this don't we, darling?

Adults always look like they're living a magnificent life
But like A Sunday Afternoon it's all small dots up close
And we all live moment to moment, dot to dot.
Sometimes we all get to be a study in deconstruction,
Circling around the weight of our own gravity,
Landing between joy and despair,
But at least you land on your feet.

I may be walking in widening circles but at least I'm moving.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Do you remember how to even scream?
You entered this world doing as much,
Sometimes you have to roar to remember your lungs.

So slip the words past the lips
Dismiss the feeling that something's amiss
For we all wish for those we miss.

Stars and moon, grey rocks support my shoes;
Hold me down and through, all that I fear I knew
Might catch me and keep me from what I should do.

So much of me wishes you could hear how elegantly
I can deliver a soliloquy about the state of being me;
Maybe that'll be when you can see the irony.

All my carefully crafted care that I had created
Caved and collapsed consequently, last time I checked.
It's kinda hard to keep recreating myself amid my own chaos.

Feel the fire placed in your throat, don't choke
Just say all the words to keep yourself afloat,
The scars you hold shouldn't matter if they show.

I let the fire burn deep and low,
Spread the ashes and feel their glow,
Sometimes you gotta burn yourself down just to grow.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Falling Out

I think I'll let myself go.
I think I'll just pack up and leave.
These bones are wearing thin,
Hurting when I think aloud,
I think it's time to start again.

Every now and then I see bits of me passing by
After I handed them out like tricks on Halloween.
I always thought they would return,
Like cheap gifts on Christmas,
Like unrequited love on Valentines;
But they were always ignored like Boxing Day.

I just want to lean on God's ear for a while,
In the mountains or maybe just away from here.
I fear the desperation so like all my fears I will carry it along,
Place it in front of Him and ask Him about the closed doors,
Of minor characters and final chords.

I placed those I loved where I could not reach,
In the heavens, among the stars,
And that's my fault and only mine.
So this one's for me.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Sleeping Worry

Nightly worries always come out at the darkest hour;
Sad, small things that scurry beneath the bed.
Neither truly evil nor unavoidable;
They slip unnoticed into our bedroom sanctuaries,
Leaving doubts,




Remembered mistakes,

In the dark,
In their wake.

So stay awake and hear their songs lingering on towards the dawn,
When these things retreat leaving their bad seeds behind for you to keep.

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