It's not working right now, maybe not tomorrow or next week.
You look for that spark, praying for it like a sign.
You wrestle and chafe, trying to pin down the elusive
And pretty soon you're just battling yourself.
Now you're in the thick of it, among despair and doubt
And your words hold fast onto your tongue,
Daring you to try and dislodge them all.
So why do we all find cynicism so easy to wield
When it's encouragement and affirmation we want from others
And we remain content with questions over hard answers.
We consider it pretentious to ponder things like existence,
But what are struggling to achieve as we erect our monuments.
Sometime we are called to doubt and to wade through the bogs and deserts,
To harden us and forge us, tempering us with humility and perseverance.
You'll feel dwarfed by it all but we cannot stop now in the face of everything.
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