Thursday, October 24, 2013


All is lost and found,
I hope.
I miss the places I used to find myself;
Sights and sounds and smells still pull me back.
A lightning strike, a wave of Déjà vu,
Clap your hands it's gone. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Never has movement been so slow;
A glacial act of growth;
I have been swept along with so much to show.
Empty fields amounted to empty space.
Watch the mile markers and milestones recede,
Stored alongside everything I think I need.
That's the thing about momentum.
You're stuck when you're still in place
But once you start moving it's quite hard to still the wheels.

Alone on the open road.
Stop. Caution. Storms ahead.
Slow. Merge. Lane change.
I guess we should press on.

Loaded down with the luggage I deemed essential,
I think I packed too much.
A suitcase here,
Traveling bag there,
Laid to rest along the way.
Now I begin to swing out,
For miles

Friday, October 18, 2013


A city is a strange beast.
Feed it and it will sprawl,
Groaning as it stretches towards the next horizon.

A concrete earth.
A gridlocked forest. 
Sights and sounds and fury

Among the hardness there remains mystery.
Unexpected gestures.
Uplifting spots of graffiti.

I like the way nature can break the gray.
Luminous billowing pillars beautifully hurt the eye
Over parks built for respite.

I wish you could see the lights,
The creature's neon restless eyes,
Keeping me from sleep at night.

Have you ever watched a city beast sleep,
As it huddles near the mountains' feet,
Speaking huddled roars in dreams of distant shores.

See the cells in the veins,
Moving in vain thorough fare and thoroughly worn,
Perpetual motion and infinite breaths.

Humans are humans and here's the beast we made,
Bricks and concrete and tired, bleary eyed scenes.
The beast, the machine, man and his dreams.

Who has been tamed,
We or the beast?